Step 8: Finalize and Pay

How do I finalize my payments?


To finalize your account, you can contact the Fiscal Control office at 928-428-8221. They will verify that your payment has been received for tuition, fees, and room & board (if applicable). You can also get your Student ID card from Fiscal Control. Full-time students are required to have a Student ID card.


  • Fall tuition is due on the fourth Monday in July. Spring tuition is due on the second Friday in December. If your account isn't finalized by the due date, your classes will be purged the following day.
  • Room & board payments are due the day you check into the dorms.
  • Payment plans are available. Students can enroll in a payment plan through their Gila Hank account or by contacting Fiscal Control. 
  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2021
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Chalene

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